Can I marry an Unbeliever?

We have been looking at the importance of choosing our marriage partner. A very important truth to be considered at this point is that a believer should marry only a believer. Scripture admonishes strongly in …

How to choose THE ONE?

We considered the importance of marriage in the last issues. If this is so important a relation and one that cannot be broken except by death, utmost care must be taken in entering into it. …

Is Divorce an option for a Believer?

Is divorce an option for a believer? Family, as we see in the scriptures, is the first institution of God. It is the basis of all other human relationships. It is also the basic unit …

What is Family?

We are living in an age of moral and spiritual decline. Marriage and family are adversely affected in this downward slide. Seldom do young couples find a pattern for a Christian family life that they …