Continuing with the Upper Room Discourse, these are the seven commands that Jesus Christ gives his disciples to follow and emulate. It’s a must-listen sermon for every Christian to apply.
Impact of the Bible on Indian Education
Missionaries visiting the colonial India strove for the betterment of Indians, despite the exploitive mindset & agenda of the colonists. Driven by the love of Christ, they were instrumental in establishing the modern education system of India. This video looks into efforts taken for the development & universalisation of education in India, by people who claimed allegiance to Christ and the Bible.
Upper Room Discourse: 7 Commands – Part 6
Continuing with the Upper Room Discourse, these are the seven commands that Jesus Christ gives his disciples to follow and emulate. It’s a must-listen sermon for every Christian to apply.
Can I marry an Unbeliever?
We have been looking at the importance of choosing our marriage partner. A very important truth to be considered at this point is that a believer should marry only a believer. Scripture admonishes strongly in …
Upper Room Discourse: 7 Commands – Part 5
Continuing with the Upper Room Discourse, these are the seven commands that Jesus Christ gives his disciples to follow and emulate. It’s a must-listen sermon for every Christian to apply.
Impact of the Bible on Education
The Divine authorship of the Bible is evidenced by the extraordinary impact it has had on the world. The Bible and its followers have been instrumental in developing education from an elite, privileged- only luxury to a universal, free-for-all necessity.
How to choose THE ONE?
We considered the importance of marriage in the last issues. If this is so important a relation and one that cannot be broken except by death, utmost care must be taken in entering into it. …
Upper Room Discourse: 7 Commands – Part 4
Continuing with the Upper Room Discourse, these are the seven commands that Jesus Christ gives his disciples to follow and emulate. It’s a must-listen sermon for every Christian to apply.
Upper Room Discourse: 7 Commands – Part 3
Continuing with the Upper Room Discourse, these are the seven commands that Jesus Christ gives his disciples to follow and emulate. It’s a must-listen sermon for every Christian to apply.
Is Divorce an option for a Believer?
Is divorce an option for a believer? Family, as we see in the scriptures, is the first institution of God. It is the basis of all other human relationships. It is also the basic unit …